
Nowadays the fashion industry allows people to express their singularity through what they wear. You can reveal your very own personality with your clothes, accessories etc..  The body is the support of this expression. A kind of communication. Because you are showing people who you are before any talking. This is the first impression you give to people. Communication between humans is a real complex language. 

This language is all about vocal expression and special gesture. And this the aim of my work.

With the body as a support; the gesture, the dance, the movement come to life through excrescences, in a sensitive and hypnotizing way. These excrescences are feelings coming out. A new kind of human communication, a new kind of expressing feelings to each other. This courtship ritual is allowed by the freedom of the body, thanks to the fabulous characteristic of nylon textile. I took the bias to use tights here, as an unique «symbolic clothing», symbolizing cloth as a second skin.

Design, to evolve, needs to be questioned, constantly. And cannot be taken for granted. That is why I wanted to create questioning and emotions, through a visual and animated work.

Model :   Raphael Moreira / Julie Tuffery

Video Editing :   Tiphaine Leclercq

Stylisme  : Julie Tuffery

Artistic Director :   Julie Tuffery
